Terms and conditionsUsers

Terms and conditions for users of MBDB

  1. Only data directly generated by Molecular Biophysics methods are allowed to be deposited in the MBDB. Any data that does not fall within this category will be removed without warning and will result in a permanent ban of the user from making further deposition in the MBDB. In the case of illegal material, the relevant authorities will be notified.

  2. A record is defined as the set of deposited files and deposited metadata. Although the record can be in various states, this does not change the which rules apply to them, with the exception that the License is not applied until the record is published.

  3. Depositors agrees that MBDB can distribute the users’ records under the CC0 1.0 Universal license
    , i.e., the user agrees to place their work in the public domain.

  4. Every person involved with the record is responsible for the record being correct (defined is not-fraudulent and containing non-allowed data), this extent to the MBDB members. The principal contact and depositor as well as MBDB members are obliged to keep their contact information updated in case doubt arises. Failure of correctness or contact information can in worst case lead to deletion of the record and permanent banning from making depositions. In the case of MBDB members termination of any rights they may have within the MBDB and permanent banning from participating in any form.

  5. Every person involved in generation and deposition of the data must agree on being associated with the record and agree that the data can be placed in the public domain.

  6. Users have the right to request deletion of their record. However, as the data is in the public domain, this in practice only means that MBDB will seize to distribute the data. MBDB has no rights too interfere with data downloaded prior to deletion, including redistribution. Furthermore, minimal metadata (the information required to obtain a DOI through DataCite) cannot be deleted. A note that the user requested deletion of the record will be present on the DOI landing page.

  7. Users are only allowed to deposit work they have been directly involved in measuring or have been ask to deposit by the people who measured the data.

  8. User are not allowed to create fraudulent records. Fraudulent records are defined as:

    1. Records where the metadata deliberately does not match the measured data.

    2. Records where the measured data itself does not represent data that has been measured (e.g. purely simulated data, manufactured data, data where individual datapoints were altered or removed without stating so).

    3. Records where people are claimed to have been involved in the data without being so.

  9. Sanctions for fraudulent behaviour include:

    1. Forced alteration of record.

    2. Deletion of record with the note that it was deleted due to fraudulence.

    3. Permanent banning of one or all of the depositors from depositing within the MBDB.

    4. MBDB will attempt to notify all users of the data of it’s fraudulence, including Journal publishers.

    5. MBDB will notify the relevant legal authorities, including the employers of one or all of the depositors.

  10. Sanctions can be only be placed on all depositors and records in the MBDB in cases where a record is deemed fraudulent. The following steps needs to be taken in order for a record to be deemed fraudulent.

    1. Suspicion of fraudulence should be reported to the Editor who is obliged to investigate and write a report of what speaks for and against the allegation.

    2. If the Editor finds evidence for the accusation, they must reach out to the principle contact, and other depositors if relevant, to allow them defend themselves against the claim. The editor is obliged to include this interaction in their report.

    3. In cases where the record owners failure to reply, the Editor must attempt to reach out by sending out at least three requests out with at least three weeks in between them.

    4. If the Editor still believes that the record is fraudulent at this point, they can submit a motion to the steering committee to delete the record, which include their report.

    5. If the Editor is part of the steering committee they will be excluded from voting as well as participating in the discussion except for clarification of details in the report.

  11. MBDB are allowed to change the records by following the procedures set out by the steering committee.