
Publication workflow

Creating a draft record

Drafts can be created at any point by any person, provided that they have an ORCID and uses that ORCID to register in our system (ORCIDs are free and easy to make, see here).

When a record is in the draft state, only you, the creator can access the record along side the editor and the administrator (see roles for details).

There’s no restrictions on how much you can edit your draft, and how long it takes you to do so.

Submitting the record

When you’re satisfied with the record, you can be submit it for review. You will not be able to submit before the draft passes validation, which checks that all required fields are filled, and that all fields with content contains valid data (e.g. no text in fields that only supports numbers).

Once the draft is submitted you will not able edit it.

Reviewing the record

While the draft is being reviewed you will not be able to make changes to it. The alternative would be a nightmare for the reviewer.

The reviewer can then either chose to accept the draft, or reject it. In case the record gets rejected, it returns to the draft state and you can edit your draft and submit it again.

Publishing the accepted record

When the draft has been accepted, it can be published as soon or late as you want, there’s no deadline for doing so.

Cancelling the publication workflow

Cancelling the publication of a record (i.e. returning it to draft state), can be done once the record has been accepted. While it’s under review it cannot be cancelled.

Deleting record during the workflow

The record can be deleted at any point during the publication work flow, note the difference between unpublished and published records in terms of deletion.