Data modelGeneral parametersAssociated publication

Associated publication

Description: If the data in this record is described in published literature (article, journal, thesis), information about the literature can be specified here
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.associated_publication
Type: polymorphic object
Type_field : type Contains: see available fields

Available fields


Description: Persistent identifier associated with the publication (e.g. DOI, ISBN, URN)
Required: yes
Type: string
format: (‘’, ‘isbn:xxx’, ‘urn:xxx’ )


Description: The title of the publication
Required: no
Path: metadata.general_parameters.associated_publication.title
Type: string (fulltext)


Description: The type of the publication
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.associated_publication.type
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘Article’, ‘Book’, ‘Thesis’)

One of the following

Fields if type is Article


Description: The full name of the journal the article appears in
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.associated_publication.journal
Type: string (fulltext)

Fields if type is Book


Description: The full name of the publisher of the book
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.associated_publication.publisher
Type: string (fulltext)

Fields if type is Thesis


Description: The full name of the publisher of the book
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.associated_publication.degree_type
Type: Enumerator
Options: (“PhD”, “Habilitation”, “Master”, “Bachelor”)