Complex substance of environmental origin
Description: The environmental source where the complex substance was derived from
Required: yes
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘Fresh water’, ‘Marine’, ‘Ice core’,
‘Sediment’, ‘Sewage’, ‘Soil’)
Description: List of the steps performed during the preparation of the complex substance’
Required: yes
Type: array of object (Step)
Contains see Step
Description: Information about how the complex substance was stored between being acquired and measured, including temperature and duration
Required: no
Type: object (Storage)
Contains see Storage
Description: Additional information about the complex substance can be specified here
Required: no
Type: array of string (fulltext)
Description: The coordinates, in decimal notation, where the complex substance was collected
Required: yes
Type: object (Coordinates)
contains: see Fields available in location
Fields available in location
Description:The latitude, from south to north, in degrees (decimal notation)
Required: yes
Type: number (float)
Minimum: -90
Maximum: 90
Description:The longitude, from west to east, in degrees (decimal notation)
Required: yes
Type: number (float)
Minimum: -180
Maximum: 180