Record Information

Description: Information about the record itself
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information
Type: polymorphic object (Record_information)
Type_field: access_rights
Contains: see Fields available in record information

Fields available in record information


Description: Short descriptive title of the record
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.title
Type: keyword (string)


Description: The access rights to the uploaded files. There are three options, 1) “open access” where the files are accessible immediately when the deposition is published, 2) “embargoed access” where the files will only become available after a specified date, 3) “restricted access” where depositors of the record are the only ones who has access
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.access_rights
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘open’, ‘embargoed’, ‘restricted’)


Description: When made available MBDB is to be considered the publisher, however, the depositors are still the owners (Datacite requirement field to get DOI). This is automatically generated during deposition
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.publisher
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘MBDB’)


Description: All records are considered to be datasets (Datacite requirement field to get DOI). This is automatically generated during deposition Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.resource_type_general
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘Dataset’)


Description: DataCite item which shows type of dataset the record is, and corresponds directly to which kind of technique was used (MST/BLI/SPR) (Datacite recommended field to get DOI). This is automatically generated during deposition
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.resource_type
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘MST’, ‘BLI’, ‘SPR’)


Description: The (external) identifier of the record which is a DOI generated by Datacite. This will automatically be generated when the record is published
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.external_identifier
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘doi:10.XXXX/XXXX-XXXX’)


Description: DataCite subject category the record data belongs to; the default value is Biophysics (Datacite recommended field to get DOI). This is automatically generated during deposition
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.subject_category
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘Biophysics’)


Description: The date when the data was deposited; automatically generated
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.deposition_date
Type: string
Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Description: The date when the data was/will be made publicly available. This will be automatically generated
Required: no
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.deposition_date
Type: string
Format: YYYY-MM-DD

The fields from one of the following objects


Description: The people holding copyright
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.copyright
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (“The depositors retain copyright to the data files and metadata”)


Description: The people holding copyright
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.copyright
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (“Anyone is free to distribute the data and metadata”)


Description: The license the record is distributed under
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.license
Type: object (license)
contains: see Fields available in license

Fields available in license


Description: The name of the license
Required: yes
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (“CC0 1.0 Universal”)


Description: The url where further information about the license can be found
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.record_information.license.url
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (“”)