Molecular assembly
Description: List of identifiers to records in external databases containing information about the molecular assembly as a whole can be specified here (e.g. PDB:1YQ2 ); information about the individual components should be specified in the details of the individual components
Required: no
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.external_databases
Type: string (keyword)
Format: (‘pdb:XXXX’,‘uniprot:XXXXX’)
Description: Description of the individual components (e.g. polypeptide, heme, lipids, metal ions etc.) the molecular assembly is composed of (e.g. Hemoglobin alpha) and how many copies of each component were present
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.components
Type: array of polymorphic object (Assembly_component)
Type_field: type
Contains: see Fields available in assembly components
Description: The molecular weight of the molecular assembly
Required: yes
Type: object (Molecular_weight)
Contains: see Molecular weight
Description: List describing deliberate modifications made to the molecular assembly through chemical, biochemical, or physical means’
Required: no
Type: array of object (Modification)
Contains see Modification
Description: Additional information about the macromolecular assembly can be specified here
Required: no
Type: array of string (fulltext)
Fields available in assembly components
Description: Description of the individual components (e.g. polypeptide, heme, lipids, metal ions etc.) the molecular assembly is composed of (e.g. Hemoglobin alpha) and how many copies of each component were present
Required: yes
Type: string (keyword)
Description: The type of component, options are (biological) Polymer and Chemical
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.components.type
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘Polymer’, ‘Chemical’)
Description: Number of copies of the component within the assembly, -1 if unknown
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.components.type
Type: number (float)
Minimum: -1
Description: Information about if and how quality control of the molecular was performed
Required: no
Type: object (Quality_controls)
Contains see Quality controls
The fields from one of the following:
See Polymer
See Chemical