Entities of interest
Description: List of the entities that are being directly measured, as well as the entities that are being used as a variable to influence the behavior of the directly measured entities (e.g. lysozyme, NAG3, NaCl). IMPORTANT! If the pH was varied by individually prepared chemical environments these should be specified individually in chemical environments
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest
Type: array of polymorphic object (Entity)
Type_field: type
Contains: see Fields available in entities of interest
Fields available in entities of interest
Description: Unique ID for the entity to be used as a link
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.id
Type: link_target (string)
Description: Short descriptive name (id) of the entity; must be unique within a record (e.g. Lysozyme, Serum from Patient 1). This name is referenced in the measurement description to identify the entities present in measured sample
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.name
Type: string
Description: The type of the entity, where the options are (biological) Polymer, Chemical, Molecular assembly (also includes all proteins composed of more than one polypeptide chain) or Complex substance. Chemical polymers such as PEG 5000 should be described as being a Chemical. Complex substance refers to substances which are not exactly specified by their exact chemical composition by the time measurement were performed, but e.g. blood, serum, plant extract
Required: yes
Path: metadata.general_parameters.entities_of_interest.type
Type: enumerator (string)
Options: (‘Polymer’, ‘Chemical’, ‘Molecular assembly’, ‘Complex substance of biological origin’, ‘Complex substance of environmental origin’,
‘Complex substance of chemical origin’, ‘Complex substance of industrial production origin’)
The fields from one of the following objects
See Polymer
See Chemical
Molecular assembly
Complex substance of biological origin
See Complex substance of biological origin
Complex substance of environmental origin
See Complex substance of environmental origin
Complex substance of chemical origin
See Complex substance of chemical origin